Book Review – Beg (Songs of Submission #1) – CD Reiss

cd reiss collage

I was looking for a short novella to read in between two large books and I decided on Beg. What I didn’t expect was how much it would grab my attention and refuse to let me go!

Beg is the story of Monica. A singer born and raised in LA and trying to make it in a city where most of the population is trying for the same thing. While not working some gigs with her band, she works as a waitress. On one such day waitressing, she meets her boss… rather her boss’s boss, Jonathan. While she’s attracted to him, she’s sworn off men. See she’s resolved to make her talent and ambition come first. And no man is going to come between her and her dreams.

I have things I’m doing. I can’t be up all night fucking because my voice gets messed up. I can’t think about a man, any man, nothing personal, when I should be writing songs. Carving out enough nights for song writing, between gigs and working, is hard enough without making time for a boyfriend. So, I mean, I had to give up something in life, and it’s men.

I absolutely loved this heroine. She has her dreams, her life and her friends. She has enough to deal with without adding men into the mix. So she’s resolved to stay away from them. But Jonathan wants her… and she has to succumb to that attraction some time.

I loved feeling their attraction. It was so palpable and I enjoyed riding that wave with them. And when they finally succumb it’s hot! Jonathan is a Dom and he wants to see Monica beg… and boy does she!

A lot is actually not told to us because again this is a novella. But what I absolutely loved is that it’s a well written novella and we all know how hard it is to get that right. I’m left with so many questions because we never really get to know Jonathan. Then there’s his ex wife Jessica… and Gabby’s suicidal tendencies… There’s just so much I can’t wait to unfold!

So while I originally read this to have some time in between reads, I found myself not wanting to let this story go. I’m just happy I joined this bandwagon so late because #5 is already out and I can just sit back and read 🙂

4.5 stars.

Amazon Buy Link: Beg by CD Reiss

beg songs of submission

Finally I’d like to thank the author for providing this copy for my review.

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