Book Review – Six Naughty Nights (Love in Reverse Book #2) – Serenity Woods

Steam? check… no double check!!! Romance… double check!!! This book has both in equal measure and I love love love when an author gets that balance right!

The blurb; Esther is grateful for the strong arms that saved her and her young son from an earthquake. But she wishes their rescuer was someone else. Anyone other than the man who left her pregnant after a holiday fling. Toby’s carpentry skills take him wherever there’s work, and right now that work is definitely cut out for him. He has to get over the shock that the little boy in his arms is his own son—and convince Esther that he’s always regretted walking away from her.

Esther can’t bring herself to deny Toby his right to get to know Charlie. Besides, with her own home flattened, she has nowhere to go but with him to his apartment…where she discovers a sexy role-playing card game tucked in his suitcase. When Toby invites her to accompany him to the Northland to attend his best friend’s wedding, the opportunity to explore their still-simmering attraction is too tempting to resist. As the steamy scenarios heat up, they start to realize this is more than a game. But Esther’s hiding a secret that could cause as much devastation as the earthquake…

I absolutely loved this book! I irritated my boyfriend a bit by reading some bits out loud to him, and not just the card game instructions (believe me that did not irritate him ;)) it was the romance part that had me repeating each word with my hand on my chest… yes it was that sweet!

I immediately loved Toby…and especially the way he responded to finding out he has a son, the way him and Charlie (his son) connected… it was all so beautiful. His character was just so complete; we got to see his insecurities, his sweetness, his possessiveness, his anger… and all tied up in a gorgeous, sexy bundle! Esther on the other hand was not my favorite. She was incredibly self conscious about her body which acted as a bucket of cold water in some scenes. I understand that all women have at least a bit of insecurity when it comes to their bodies but it irritated me when she mentioned stretch marks during a steamy scene. I know I’m being unfair because to be honest the best thing the author did with these characters was make them so balanced, so real…

The realness applied to all the characters in the book. I felt as if I would actually know them in real life. Sometimes you read fiction and so many things remind you that you are indeed reading fiction. But not with this book; their lives, their struggles, it all felt incredibly tangible. And I absolutely loved reading how their romance evolved… from them thinking they could have the physical without the emotional, to realizing that with a history like theirs, it’s impossible to keep the heart out. As romance books go, this one left me completely sated.

And I have to mention the steam factor! That game is incredibly hot… especially the scene in the hotel room with the silk scarves, the mirrors, the interrogation… wowza! In fact I should explain a bit about the game; each card contains instructions ranging from ‘tie her up and extract a secret’ to ‘treat him as your slave for a day’… and in much more detail than I’ve written here 😉 All of it hot hot hot! (Sidenote to Serenity: Does this game actually exist? If not please say you’re working on making it real!)

Like I said, steam and romance all in one incredible story of forgiveness, second chances and love beyond mistakes and beyond regrets.

Sigh… 4 stars!

Amazon: Six Naughty Nights by Serenity Woods

six naughty

Note: For anyone wondering if they can read this book without having read Book #1, you totally can, I did and I did not feel lost at all. Though I am definitely reading Book #1 (Seven Sexy Sins) after this!

Note 2: Check the blog tomorrow for an excerpt of Six Naughty Nights and a giveaway!

Finally I’d like to thank the author and Author’s Angels for providing this copy for my review.

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6 Responses to Book Review – Six Naughty Nights (Love in Reverse Book #2) – Serenity Woods

  1. Bennita says:

    Great review. I’m adding this to my “to be read” list. My credit card is dying a slow death with all of your awesome book recommendations. Rehab may be in my near future, but until then, I’m gonna keep on reading!

    • Take me with you when you get the rehab spot! I was checking my amazon account last week and and realized if I don’t stop soon I just might start eating bread and water to keep up the book habit!

  2. Ohh I’m glad you enjoyed 🙂 you definitely have to read Seven Sexy Sins!

  3. Pingback: Blog Tour; Excerpt + Giveaway – Six Naughty Nights by Serenity Woods! | Jessy's Book Club

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